Company profile

Company profile


The Italian National Institute for Astrophysics, INAF, is the main Italian research institute for the study of the Universe. 

INAF promotes the enhancement of the research results conducted or coordinated by its scientific network for productive and social purposes, including technology transfer. It promotes higher education, as well as any other educational event, in Italy and abroad, in collaboration with universities.

INAF promotes the development of astronomical knowledge in schools and society through dissemination, educational and outreach activities: workshops, seminars, astronomy lectures, participation in science festivals throughout the Italian territory and abroad. These activities are promoted either from the central headquarter and local structures, in collaboration with scholastics organizations and local authorities.

INAF protects, preserves and enhances its bibliographic, archival and instrumental historical heritage, spread in all the structures that make up the Institute, favoring its conservation and its fruition by the activation of services aimed at the dissemination of scientific culture, ensuring the necessary support to the research regarding modern material and organizing museum activities with regard to the historical material.
INAF acts as a scientific and technical consultant on matters within its competence, in favor of the Ministry of Education, University and Research.

INAF collaborates with Italian and foreign research institutes, universities, international organizations, space agencies and corporate stakeholders in the sector.

The Institute is present throughout Italy with 16 research facilities and the administrative headquarters, moreover has a facility in the Canary Islands where the Galileo National Telescope is located. The research institute is also in space, through its hardware contribution to satellites and telescopes, which allow us to study our planet and to discover more about the near as well as remote Universe. 

The study of the Universe requires the construction of instruments that do not exist yet and that we need to conceive. INAF principal motivation is to enable progress in astrophysics, but the new technologies that we are developing along the way have been and will be applied also to the improvement of everyday life. 

Italian astrophysical research has earned a leading role in this field during the last 20 years, achieving fundamental results and driving new large experiments that will become operational in coming years.


L'Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica - INAF

L’Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica è l’ente di ricerca italiano dedicato allo studio dell’Universo. INAF promuove, realizza e coordina le attività di ricerca nei campi dell’astronomia e dell’astrofisica, in ambito nazionale e internazionale. Un lavoro svolto con passione in collaborazione con le Università ed altre organizzazioni pubbliche e private, in Italia e all’estero.

INAF progetta e sviluppa tecnologie innovative e strumentazione d’avanguardia per lo studio e l’esplorazione del cosmo. Ma INAF è anche diffusione della cultura scientifica, grazie a progetti di didattica e divulgazione dell’astronomia che si rivolgono alla scuola e alla società civile.

INAF può contare su 1.400 tra uomini e donne, divisi tra personale di ricerca, amministrativi e tecnici, ai quali si aggiungono borsisti, assegnisti e studenti, e collabora con 200 istituti di ricerca internazionali. Sono migliaia le pubblicazioni scientifiche (libri, articoli, rapporti tecnici, contributi a conferenze, scritti divulgativi) firmate da ricercatori INAF ogni anno.

INAF è anche una costellazione di strutture di ricerca che copre tutto il territorio italiano. Alle strutture storiche – gli osservatori di Torino, Milano, Padova, Trieste, Bologna, Firenze, Teramo, Roma, Napoli, Cagliari, Palermo, Catania e Cagliari – si sono aggiunti l’Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica cosmica di Milano, Bologna e Palermo (IASF), l’Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali di Roma (IAPS), l’Istituto di Radioastronomia di Bologna (IRA) e il Telescopio Nazionale Galileo a La Palma, Spagna.

Proiettato nel futuro e protagonista nelle collaborazioni internazionali che danno forma all’astronomia di domani, INAF è consapevole del patrimonio storico – strumentale, bibliografico e archivistico – ereditato dagli osservatori e si adopera per conservarlo, valorizzarlo e metterlo a disposizione degli studiosi e del pubblico interessato nei musei di alcuni Osservatori.

I ricercatori e le ricercatrici INAF utilizzano dati provenienti dai più svariati strumenti operativi al suolo e nello spazio. Tra i più usati, i telescopi dello European Southern Observatory (ESO), l’organizzazione europea di cui l’Italia è paese membro, o gli strumenti a bordo delle numerose missioni NASA e ESA alle quali INAF contribuisce in modo determinante. 







INAF and technological Innovation Brochure

INAF and technological Innovation Brochure

Innovative solutions and industrial applications of astrophysics
Every time a large telescope pushes its gaze beyond the limits of the known horizon, our horizon also expands. And every time a satellite explores the most remote meanders of the universe, something remains on Earth. Something about our daily life: new technologies, cutting-edge materials, new solutions to everyday problems. This is because, from the first Galileo telescopes to the Hubble Space Telescope, astrophysics has always been thirsty for cutting-edge technologies and materials: technologies and materials at the limits of the possible, not available on the market, and therefore to be designed and built from scratch. Technologies and materials - such as digital image processing or shape memory foams - that have radically improved not only our way of doing science, but also the quality of our lives.


Video (Italiano)

Video (English)

INAF on board of the most ambitious space missions in the world Brochure

INAF on board of the most ambitious space missions in the world Brochure




INAF’s role in the most powerful astronomical facilities in the world Brochure

INAF’s role in the most powerful astronomical facilities in the world Brochure

INAF’s role in the most powerful astronomical facilities in the world.



INAF and society: education and public outreach Brochure

INAF and society: education and public outreach Brochure

INAF and society: education and public outreach 


Meet the Sponsor



Meeting title: INAF projects and programs for Astrophysics - ask to our experts
Meeting description: An open chat in which one of our experts is always available in order to tell something about the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica - INAF
Meeting coordinator: Silvia Casu
Meeting coordinator e-mail:
Meeting duration: 60' 
Meeting starts at: 14:30 (02/08 - 03/08 - 04/08 - 05/08 - 06/08)

Access to INAF Chat

Open virtual room (click to enter) on september 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 from 14.30 to 15.30 pm
Nicolò D’Amico

Nicolò D’Amico

INAF President 
39 06 3553311 - 316  

Caterina Boccato

Caterina Boccato

INAF Public Engagement Officer 
+39 3498103522
Skype caterina.boccato 

Silvia Casu

Silvia Casu

INAF Public Engagement Deputy Officer 
+39 3381405613

Marco Galliani

Marco Galliani

INAF Chief Press Officer
+39 06 355 33 390 
